Reading Dyslexia: Symptoms Of A Reading Difficulty
With the prominent teaching and learning practices of schools today, the need for reading proficiency to attain academic success cannot be overly emphasized. Children deal with words every day. As early as elementary or preschool years, they are expected to be able to read instructions and do what they say, to read stories and retell, to learn new words and spell. But what if reading becomes a barrier? What if a child has dyslexia?...
Dyslexia Awareness Month: A Celebration Of Learning Differently
The Instant Reader™ (IR) joins the international community of experts, parents, and educators that bring forward the welfare of children and adults with dyslexia. Up to this day, myths and lack of awareness continue to tarnish what difficulties dyslexics face. Affecting one in every five people, dyslexia crosses racial, ethnic, and socioeconomic lines. Additionally, it can occur in people across different levels of intelligence, hence IR’s tagline in its advocacy for dyslexics: “Your Child Is Not Bobo.”...
Why Studying Dyslexia Hits Home
“Why do you do it? Why do you have so much interest in dyslexia? Why didn’t you choose an easier topic? It might have given you ample time to achieve Sablay within 5 years.” These are just some of the usual lines that I hear from people whenever they find out that I am currently working my way out of the university with my final thesis units. I’ve been a student of the University of the Philippines Los Baños for about 6 years now. During my freshman year, I told myself that...
Dont Teach The Alphabet To Your Child
Did you know that any average preschool kid can learn to read in less than 20 days? They don’t need memorization to be able to read words, sentences and even short stories! Believe it or not, we have been doing this for more than ten years now. What surprises all the parents even more about our technique is that we don’t teach the traditional Alphabet or ABC’s. Yes, you heard it right. We have proven that teaching your child the ABC’s...
Your Child Is Not Bobo A FREE Tool For Parents
Stop labeling your child with the dreaded word “bobo” because I am very sure he is not! It might be true that he is being left behind in school but it is not a hopeless case. The first step to do is don’t panic! Read my blog here about the journey of a dyslexic boy named David...
Why Jay-Ar Cant Read
A True Story of a 24 year old Struggling Reader The moment she read the Instant Reader tarp posted along the highway, she felt that it might be the reading program they’d been looking for. She took the risk, dialled the number, convinced her son and travelled all the way from Bataan to Floridablanca, Pampanga....