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Stop labeling your child with the dreaded word “bobo” because I am very sure he is not! It might be true that he is being left behind in school but it is not a hopeless case.

The first  step to do is don’t panic!

Read my blog here about the journey of a dyslexic boy named David. David is a second year High School student who doesn’t want to go to school anymore because he couldn’t read.

Click the full article here "Your Child is not "bobo"

Second step is to make your own assessment by taking this instant-Self Test and Evaluation for Parents (i-STEP).

This i-STEP is a simple tool to guide you on what to do next to help your struggling child. This is a FREE tool that we created to help parents like you to overcome this difficult situation.

Take that i-STEP here   

Waiting on your child’s school or from other professionals to act on what’s really contributing to his learning difficulties could truly make you more anxious. Remember, waiting is the worst thing that a parent could do. Time is of the essence. This is your child’s life. Being in control and engaged in your child’s learning matters is one of the best thing that a good parent like you can surely do.

You have the power to unleash his fullest potentials by simply subjecting yourself into answering a dyslexia screening test. It is very possible to identify potential learning problems which your child  may be experiencing even before these turn into failure. You have the key. Use it and see the significant difference it would make not just for your child but to you as well!

Take that i-STEP now!


About the Author
Hi! I’m Teacher Vicki the author and founder of Instant Reader™ . My 25 years in the teaching field continues to strengthen my conviction that an effective and proper reading foundation indeed gives any child a significant edge not just in school but life in totality. Children who are early readers are lovers of learning. They lead, they stand out and are able to unleash their full potentials.
I want to hear from you. Your thoughts, comments and suggestions are very much welcome. It’s always great to keep on learning from each other.

Veronica Quintana-Arioder
( BS Development Communication, UP Los Banos; Education, UP Diliman; Diploma in Dyslexia , Blackford Centre for Dyslexia, UK, London)
