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Article Written by: Rezia Roxas

In reading comprehension, mathematics, and science, the Philippines continues to lag behind other nations among 15-year-old students, as highlighted by the latest PISA 2022 results. This issue emphasizes how urgently we need effective educational strategies, especially when it comes to reading competency. Instant Reader, a pioneering reading program, offers a solution tailored to address these challenges. This article explores how Instant Reader's approach can be a game-changer in enhancing reading skills among Filipino students.

Instant Reader’s Approach to Reading Proficiency

  1. Early Intervention: The significance of early reading intervention is emphasized by Instant Reader. The program's goal is to provide young students with a solid reading foundation, which is essential for future academic achievement.

  2. Interactive Learning: The program uses interactive learning strategies to make reading for children an engaging activity. This approach works particularly well for keeping young students' interest and attention, which is crucial for their academic growth.

  3. Personalized Teaching: Instant Reader provides individualized instruction based on the understanding that every child learns differently. With this tailored approach, each child is guaranteed to get the help and guidance they require to advance in their reading.

  4. Play in Learning: The program incorporates playful elements into its curriculum, such as games and interactive storytelling. This method improves children's verbal and cognitive development while also making learning enjoyable.

  5. Parental Involvement: Instant Reader promotes active parental involvement because it understands the critical role parents play in their child's education. This collaboration between the program and parents ensures consistent learning and reinforces reading skills at home.

  6. Phonemic Awareness Emphasis: One of Instant Reader's main principles is its emphasis on phonemic awareness, an essential skill for spelling and reading. The program's exercises are designed to help children recognize and interact with sounds, establishing the foundation for literacy.

Responding to the PISA Results

The methods used in Instant Reader are especially relevant in light of the latest PISA results. The primary problem identified by the PISA results is immediately addressed by the program's emphasis on foundational literacy skills. Instant Reader increases reading proficiency, which raises literacy rates and prepares students for higher-level comprehension in subjects like science and mathematics.


The PISA 2022 results serve as a wake-up call for the Philippine education system to implement advanced and successful teaching strategies. The approach used by Instant Reader presents a viable answer to the literacy issues Filipino students are facing. By fostering a love for reading and providing tailored, engaging instruction, Instant Reader is equipping students with the skills necessary for academic and future success.  In facing the educational challenges highlighted by PISA, programs like Instant Reader are essential, demonstrating that with the proper strategies, improving reading proficiency and overall academic performance is achievable.

