Kobe & Regine: Successful Despite Dyslexia
If your child or if you know someone with Dyslexia, one thing you can do is share success stories of people like Kobe and Regine to inspire them....
Hearing From Teachers Of Struggling Readers
school educators from all levels: kindergarten, primary, secondary, and even higher education. The exchange of stories and experiences that took place proved that reading difficulties like dyslexia don’t just go away as a person grows up. Without proper intervention, a struggling learner will remain struggling even to adulthood....
Believe it or not, Dyslexia is Real
No parent would ever want to see his child struggle in school much more in the area of reading—the very core foundation to learning every subject there is in school. This is far worse for the child. The fear of being labelled and teased as stupid, dumb and slow is something he has to face and live with every day...
Why We CARe Program is for Every Community
It has been more than two years since Instant Reader™, led by its founder and dyslexia expert Teacher Vicki Quintana-Arioder, began assisting schools and communities in identifying reading difficulties through its We CARe program (Workshop-Conference on the Analysis and Assessment of Reading Difficulties). The team has met many individuals and organizations who seek the same intervention since this movement. Last June, advocates and educators gathered together in the very first National Dyslexia Awareness and Intervention Summit...
How To Help A Dyslexic Child: Guide For Parents, Teachers, And Family Members
Finding out that a child has dyslexia is just Step One to supporting his best development and overcoming his learning difficulty. The next steps can be challenging, especially for parents and educators who are encountering the difficulty for the first time. Below are some things you can do to support a child with dyslexia:...
Causes and Complications of Dyslexia
Dyslexia is a condition that affects a person’s ability to read, spell, write, and speak. Even after being subjected to appropriate teaching-learning processes, a dyslexic’s brain may still be unable to interpret written letters or symbols correctly. What causes dyslexia? What complications might a dyslexic person face?...
Protect Your Child. Get A Diagnosis.
When inclusive education and disability-friendly infrastructures are discussed, what people immediately picture in their minds are individuals with obvious conditions and infirmities. When you get on a bus or a jeep, the first-row seats would have stickers over them showing an image of a person on a wheelchair indicating the seats are reserved for people with disabilities. The same image appears at certain spaces in public comfort rooms, parking lots, mall counters, etc....
Five Big Takeaways from Dyslexia Summit 2018
The very first Dyslexia Awareness and Intervention Summit in the Philippines took place on 09 June 2018. Over a hundred teachers, school administrators, counselors, parents, and students gathered together to become more aware of reading challenges and better equipped to support children with learning difficulties like dyslexia. Teacher Ma. Veronica “Vicki” Quintana-Arioder, the founder and dyslexia expert of Instant Reader™, led the summit that aimed to break myths and raise awareness...
Reading Dyslexia: Symptoms Of A Reading Difficulty
With the prominent teaching and learning practices of schools today, the need for reading proficiency to attain academic success cannot be overly emphasized. Children deal with words every day. As early as elementary or preschool years, they are expected to be able to read instructions and do what they say, to read stories and retell, to learn new words and spell. But what if reading becomes a barrier? What if a child has dyslexia?...
Dyslexia Awareness Month: A Celebration Of Learning Differently
The Instant Reader™ (IR) joins the international community of experts, parents, and educators that bring forward the welfare of children and adults with dyslexia. Up to this day, myths and lack of awareness continue to tarnish what difficulties dyslexics face. Affecting one in every five people, dyslexia crosses racial, ethnic, and socioeconomic lines. Additionally, it can occur in people across different levels of intelligence, hence IR’s tagline in its advocacy for dyslexics: “Your Child Is Not Bobo.”...